In Whistler, some open-market homes come with an occupancy restriction registered on title. While anyone can own these properties, they must be occupied by a qualified Whistler employee or retiree.

Employee Restricted Housing

(Technically referred to as "Occupancy Restricted Employee Properties")

  • These homes and suites are governed by legal housing covenants that require occupancy by full-time employees working for Whistler-based businesses.
  • Retirees who worked in Whistler for at least five years prior to retiring may also qualify as eligible occupants.
  • If the owner is not an eligible employee or retiree, the property must be rented out as a primary residence to someone who meets these qualifications.

In some complexes, housing types are mixed. For example, Highpointe Lodge contains only two Employee Restricted Housing units.

Below, you’ll find current listings for each complex. Building descriptions will indicate which units are designated as Employee Restricted Housing.

For a full list of all restricted properties in Whistler, including Employee Restricted Occupancy House & Suite addresses, click here.

Showing 1 to 8 of 8 results
Photo Building Name Address Area Sub-Area Active Listing(s)
Nordic Court   --   2007 NORDIC PL - Whistler/Nordic #1 Nordic Court 2007 NORDIC PL Whistler Nordic 1
Eaglecrest   --   2720 Cheakamus Way - Whistler/Bayshores #1 Eaglecrest 2720 Cheakamus Way Whistler Bayshores 0
Deer Run   --   3300 PTARMIGAN PL - Whistler/Blueberry Hill #1 Deer Run 3300 PTARMIGAN PL Whistler Blueberry Hill 1
The Landing   --   2728 CHEAKAMUS Way - Whistler/Bayshores #1 The Landing 2728 CHEAKAMUS Way Whistler Bayshores 0
Suncrest   --   3102 Panorama Ridge - Whistler/Brio #1 Suncrest 3102 Panorama Ridge Whistler Brio 0
Highpointe Lodge   --   2101 WHISTLER RD - Whistler/Nordic #1 Highpointe Lodge 2101 WHISTLER RD Whistler Nordic 2
Sunrise Townhomes   --   6117 Eagle Drive - Whistler/Whistler Cay Heights #1 Sunrise Townhomes 6117 Eagle Drive Whistler Whistler Cay Heights 0
Eva Lake Village   --   2230 EVA LAKE RD - Whistler/Nordic #1 Eva Lake Village 2230 EVA LAKE RD Whistler Nordic 1
Showing 1 to 8 of 8 results

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